It’s been a while… I told myself that part of my selfcare would be to blog again. About what? About anything I want. I have a schedule, but I will keep that one to myself. I’d like to hold myself accountable in the meantime. These are questionable times. I guess it is all and always questionable. However, now it seems heavier. It’s burdening. Writing has always lightened my load. So, I will go back to what I know.
TikTok shut down.
TikTok was brought back up (kinda). It seems more like a hard reset.
Trump is back in office.
The California wild fires.
Robert Brooks!
There’s a volcano in New Jersey.
The Southen states has snow and ice.
X… deleted.
The announcement of the aliens seems so 2024.
Those astronauts are still stuck in space.
Forever FLOTUS (Mrs. Obama) chose not to show up.
Snoop, Nelly, Rick Ross, Soulja Boy… just no.
I can keep going, but I won’t.
With all these variables, there is one thing for certain. I will always be a Black woman. What does it mean to be a Black woman in this climate? Everything. I and the 92% of the Black women who voted for former Vice President then Presidential hopeful Harris are on a much needed sabbatical. The capes are down. The tea is brewing. We are collectively resting. We will rest until we are called up to protect and support ourselves. We know how this goes. It rolls downhill. As unfortunate as it is, we have fortunately been driven to climb to our own mountain tops even with the goal post is moved. This ravine we tend to find ourselves in is plentiful. We make it peaceful and possible to achieve it all. It was cultivated by our individual and collective community of ancestors. “Rest child,” in a low smooth tone. We hear their whispers. We are no longer the saviors of any other cause other than our own. For us, we are on standby. We are at the ready. Until we are mobilized, this meadow will be secure and tranquil. We will giggle like school girls and brunch like women. Our passports will be stamped. Our mothers will be cared for, and our children will be raised. We will pause until we hear the horn and war cry from a fellow sister. Then we will gear up. Then we will leap!
With all that is going on I have decided I would like to take up some new hobbies. Not just money makers and survival tactics. No code switching (you get what you get). Just real hobbies like pottery and hiking. There are some other things that can be added as time goes on, but there is no need to overwhelm myself. This is my time. I have earned it. I have been researching trails right outside of New York City. I want to get back to nature and sometimes, leave the concrete and the pavement for a moment or two. Allowing the soil to sink my feet with each step. I want my footprints to be imprinted in the ground. I want Her to know I am here. I want the trees to know my name and the flowers to know the shape of my face. I want the wind to know my scent. I want to have picnics on top of hills. I want to see Her beauty. I want my hands to shape and form clay. I want to paint and mold and breathe. Are my wants too much or too little? It doesn’t matter. They are just right for me.
Over the weekend I hosted an “All Black Everything” brunch. The goal was to support Black owned extablishments, while nurishing ourselves. After the brunch we created digital vision boards for 2025. I wanted to ensure we were intentional with our time and resources. We came up with plans, played Black history trivia games, they received handmade favors from my boutique while celebrating all things Black. Even through the rain and snow we had a great time. It was the perfect way to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday. While the rest of the country marched and chanted in the streets for “change,” we rested.
A couple years ago, my cousin and I met up at Bryant Park and had a light lunch and experienced our own Kintsugi moment. I ordered a kit from Etsy and she from Amazon. We went to the store and together chose our plates to break and then place back together. We nestled ourselves under the sun and began to put our shattered pieces back together again. It was magnificent. That is the kind of beauty I would like to capture more often. I deserve it. While the questions still linger, I will find myself in my own special space of beauty. I know the way of the world, I will need to create those spaces for myself. Those kind of things are not given to women like me. I find grace in the knowing. I hope you find yours too.
If you happen to be a Black woman reading this or a supporter of us, I wish you peace and blessings. I hope this gives you some ideas for your time, attention and intention. What are those things you would like to try? Where would you like to go? What would you like to do? The time is approaching for movement, but not today. Shift for yourself.
Be well.